Monday, January 23, 2012

On Clouds.

Bloggies, struggling with depression can be really tough sometimes. It's a silly metaphor, but it feels like the sun has been permanently hidden behind the clouds. And yet, sometimes a breeze blows through and the sun can peer out from behind the clouds, to give a little light and warmth.

When that happens, isn't it like the entire world is new? Everything is sparkling and beautiful and fresh, and the things that bothered you before don't seem to matter so much anymore. Of course, somehow the clouds always come back, but sometimes, if you're very, very lucky, the clouds will have thinned, and someday they might disappear entirely.

It's hard to see what really matters when you're in a cloudy haze of depression, and it can seem as though the sun will never come out. But the Son is always there - God is there for you no matter what and he will never leave you, even if you can't see that he's there.

The clouds of my life have been crowding in lately, and though I knew the sun was there, I couldn't feel it. But today, the clouds blew away, leaving only wispy memories behind. And I can't tell you how amazing that feels.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. - Romans 15:13

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