Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Think I Love You

Have you ever heard that song by David Cassidy, I Think I Love You? (If not, click the link and listen, bloggies. Even if you have, actually.) I happened to hear that song today and it got me thinking. I know you guys are probably really sick of hearing about how I'm in love. But you know what? It's really important to me, and I can't get him out of my brain...

And that scares me to death. Just like the lyric to the song:
I think I love you 
So what am I so afraid of? 
I'm afraid that I'm not sure of 
A love that there's no cure for
Because even though I'm sure that I love him, I'm not certain that he even likes me in that way. And that terrifies me, being so in love with someone who regards me with a mild affection. Frankly, too, I'm tired of people telling me, "You're young, you'll get over him, you're too young to love like that." But I am not too young to love - I am, in all honesty, an incredibly loving person. And you know what? People get married at my age - I admit it's not very common nowadays, since people are tending to wait longer to marry, but people do.

And so it's terrifying, loving him. Always wondering, is this going to go somewhere, or not? Can it ever? Will it ever? Or will I lose him?

I'm strong enough to keep my silence, because I know that's what he needs right now. But I'm not strong enough to lose him, no matter the pain this situation causes.

I just pray my resolve never falters.

Believe me,  
You really don't have to worry 
I only want to make you happy 
And if you say, 
"Hey, go away" I will,  
But I think better still,  
I'd better stay around and love you. 
Do you think I have a case? 
Let me ask you to your face: 
Do you think you love me?

Do you have any advice for me, bloggies?


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