But what does it truly mean to be strong? Does it mean forging ahead and burying the pain? Or does it mean being strong enough to admit that it's not okay right now? I think perhaps it's the latter. Because holding it in and hiding it away arent' really options, not if we really want it to turn out okay in the end. We have to be able to confront our problems and deal with them, or they'll catch up to us in the end.
Who among us hasn't been asked, "How are you?" and reflexively said, "I'm good, thanks. And you?" It's just our reflex, to say we're fine even if we're not. It's the polite thing to do, and we wouldn't want to make others uncomfortable by saying, "You know what? It's not going so well right now." But why? Why is it that we feel the need to hide what we truly feel away from others?
Ok, sure, I'll admit, sometimes you really do need to give a perfunctory answer. But I think, more often then we're aware, it's okay to say it's not okay. It's alright to let people in, and let them help you. Who knows what feelings everyone hides away in the sake of politeness? That's where being lonely and isolated begins, not allowing others in.
So this is me, telling you, whoever you may be, that I am not doing so well today, thanks for asking.
Feel free to do the same. How are you today, reader? Let me know.
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