Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Haircuts & Other Joyful Occurrences

Isn't it amazing how the little things in life can make you happy?

Take today, for example. Just some small, tiny, itty-bitty little details made me so happy. I love that life can be like that sometimes.

So here's what made me happy today:

1) Getting my hair cut. It's been ages. I'm thinking at least 9 months - a year? So I cut off 2 inches worth of split ends. It's still kinda long, and although I do wish I could have kept the length, having healthy, pretty, less-frizzy hair is a huge win in my book.

2) Making tissue paper ceiling decorations. That was fun, bloggies. Lots of fun. They turned out beautifully and I think they'll look great at my cousin's baby shower! Not to mention I love gettin' crafty. Yessiree I do.

3) My dad remembering how much I love this shrimp he makes and making it specially for me. It was yummy! Oh so yummy.

4) It's Friday. That in and of itself is cause for celebration.

See, bloggies? Just little, tiny bits of fun to brighten my day and make it happier. Although I've just realized that since it's almost 1 am it was yesterday. But whatever. Happy is happy. So try it!

What made you happy today?


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